The sharing of refreshments plays an important part in the social development of children, as well as re-enforcing understanding of the importance of healthy eating.

At each setting we encourage all children to eat together, as this helps to develop social skills, simple table manners, good eating habits and independence. Members of staff enjoy lunch with the children encouraging good table manners and good eating habits, by being a good role model. Children are also encouraged to be self-sufficient where possible and we provide appropriate sized cutlery and crockery to help them in this.

Autumn & Winter Menu 22

Spring & Summer Menu

Coming soon

Seasonal Menus

The meals we provide are freshly prepared on the premises by our team of dedicated chefs who plan a seasonal menu over 8 weeks.

Varied Diet

We aim to provide a varied diet, giving the children opportunities to try a wide variety of different food including home grown, organic and multi-cultural produce.

Whole foods

All menus are carefully thought out and we avoid large quantities of fat, sugar, salt, additives, preservatives and colouring.

Milk & Water

Full fat cows milk is provided at snack time and drinking water is always available.

Healthy Snacks

Snacks are healthy and include things such as carrot sticks, apple, orange, grapes, tomatoes, bread sticks and rice cakes.

Dietary Requirements

Dietary requirements are discussed with parents at settling in. We will sometimes substitute a menu choice due to quality of produce.

Level 5 Food Hygiene & Food for Life

We have a level 5 food hygiene rating from the Good Standards Agency along with the Food for Life Early Years Award from the Soil Association.  Food for Life Served Here is an independent award scheme that means caterers can guarantee that menus meet certain standards. Menus include meals cooked from scratch, using sustainable fish, free range eggs and ingredients that can be traced back to the farm.

Health & Well-being

Your child's health and well-being are of the utmost importance to us. All of our staff are stringent in their standards of personal hygiene.

Staff caringly support each child as they develop through the stages of their toileting requirements and work with the parents to support their child through this next step in their development. Our daily routines are carefully devised to promote all aspects of healthy living including independence, self esteem and hygiene.
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